Your Best Local Wood Damage Repair Service

Leading Termite Wood Damage Repair Service in Los Angeles and Orange Counties

We have taken on a variety of wood repair projects from rebuilding & repairing rafters and beams, to replacing ridge boards, fascia boards, eave boards, and plywood. We also repair damaged siding & trim, rebuild wood patios and wood decks. Get rid of termites and their damages fast by contacting Cornerstone Termite Damage Repair!

Your Damage Repair Expert

You’ve treated your home for termites so what about the termite damage? Cornerstone Termite Damage Repair has skilled carpenters on staff with over 20 years experience to provide a free estimate to replace any termite damage. Our termite repair specialists will work hard to restore the structural and aesthetic integrity of your home.

Want to learn more about our termite damage and any wood repair services in Los Angeles and Orange County? Feel free to get in touch with our team for a free estimate.

Request a Free Inspection

Termite Wood Damage Repairs in Southern California

Our Services

We stand by our work, and will make sure to do the job right and exceed your expectations!

Termite Damage Repair

Termites can cause significant damage to your home, which is why it’s important to have effective termite control services in place. 

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Rodent Damage Repair

Rats and mice will cause a lot of harm to your home by chewing through walls, insulation, and electrical wires, searching for food, and spreading disease through your home.

Painting Wood Repair

Painting the exposed wood surface is one of the best ways to prevent termite infestation.

Why Choose Us

With extensive experience in identifying and repairing damage caused by termites, we are the company to call if you find termite damage or evidence of it. 

Quality Materials

We don’t want to give you a wood replacement only to see it deteriorate. That’s why we use quality materials that are made to last to work with.

Experienced & Efficient

With over 20 years of experience, our team of experts has the knowledge and expertise to provide effective termite damage repair services.

Affordable Price

We offer competitive pricing for all of our termite damage repair services, so you can get the best service at an affordable price.

Decks | Patio Covers | Balconies | Stairs | Large Beams | Eaves | Door Sills & Door Jambs | Siding | Backyard Decks | Backyard Patio Covers | Termite Damage Repair | Wood Rot Repair | Fascia Boards | Rafter Tails | Fungus Damage Repair | Front Entry Repair | Structural Repairs